Remote Learning and Instructional Time During COVID-19
On July 8, 2020, the Colorado Department of Education (“CDE”) published a Policy on Instructional Time and Student Attendance for the upcoming 2020-21 school year. The policy was published in response to challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. The policy is intended to maximize flexibility for districts in school schedules and attendance policies.
During the 2020-21 school year, remote learning can be implemented either as a temporary option, or as a full-time strategy. However, CDE will likely not offer a blanket instructional time waiver as was done in the spring of 2020. Accordingly, to ensure funding and compliance with instructional time requirements, school district boards of education will need to adopt specific policies that address how students will be actively engaged in the educational process notwithstanding the potential for remote learning. The policies must include:
A definition of “educational process” that includes remote learning;
A description of how and when remote learning may be used, including instances when in-person learning is available (in whole or part);
A description of how instruction will be delivered during remote learning and activities that would demonstrate that a student is engaged in the educational process;
A description of what counts as remote learning;
A description of the equivalent of in-seat time for remote learning; and
A description of how attendance will be taken during remote learning.
Additionally, for the 2020-21 school year, districts may choose to amend their attendance policies to expand the way in which attendance may be documented, so long as students in attendance are still “engaged in the educational process” as defined by the district.
The Charter School Institute (“CSI”) has developed a list of sample policies that charter school boards can use as a resource. It is very important that each charter school board develops clear policies for remote learning to ensure funding and compliance with instructional time requirements. However, charter schools would be well advised to communicate proactively with their authorizers in this respect.
Additional information can be found on the CDE’s Pupil Count webpage. CDE has also provided a list of FAQ’s.